Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Beans, beans...the magical fruit?

Hi friends and family! I miss you all and love you...
Update from Central:

We took off last Saturday for Copan, Honduras...and as we got in the van I was personally informed by our driver that we wouldn't be stopping for two hours, so go now if you need to. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or not. I didn't think it was funny. haha. (besides, i'm told i need to stay hydrated. anywho.) It took about 8 hours to get to Copan from Antigua and parts of it were hairpin turns like the Sea to Sky. Thankfully we all did great and passed the time playing silly games. Customs was hilarious...they didn't match our faces to our passports and waved us in..after a health check for the swine of course.

I never thought I would have the privilege of going to Honduras, so I was stoked out of my mind. Seeing the Mayan ruins was incredibly beautiful and educational. To actually walk through the ruins and in vision what life must have been like for the Mayan people was an experience like no other I've had before. We had a Mayan guide led us through and he informed us of how the Mayan people revolved their lives around pleasing gods and did so through the means of a seasonal calender. It was a bizarre feeling to see the places where they conducted human and animal sacrifices to appease the gods. Very sad.

The town of Copan is quaint and I soon found a coffee shop near our hotel to try out Honduran coffee. It did not disappoint! Our hotel was shockingly nice and we had a veranda that overlooked the cobble stone street below. We relaxed there and watched the thunderstorm after scoping the village for interesting things.

After getting back from Honduras on Sunday night, we went to our homestays in the surronding town villas of Antigua. I'm staying with an older couple with my friend Brittany. They have two very cute grandchildren and one boy who lives at home. Their names are Rolando and Alicia and they love the Lord. I can see the joy of the Lord in their faces, even though they have little. They offered us both their room and their son's room for sleeping....but Brittany and I told them that we can share one room. I still don't like the fact that I'm sleeping in their room (I'm not sure where they sleep) but graciously accept. I've met their entire family now as we eat every meal with them and sleep there. Well, sleep is a relative word. I believe I have taken after Dad in my talent of "sleeping lightly," so I wake up once an hour as the church bells chime a lovely tune. We are a stone's throw away from the church and the entire town of Antigua can hear the it is LOUD. But it is only for a week...

If you could pray for strength for my body, I'd appreciate it! Although it is a great experience living with this family, it is exhausting. I'm finding I don't have as much time as I need for planning my English lessons...and although my spirit doesn't want to complain, my body is. We eat beans, and sometimes only beans, for all three meals. Need I say more? This evening I'm working with one of the daughters who owns a store in town. Should be fun.

I also got to go with Luis Carlos (Youth Worker) yesterday and teach with him in a local high school so that was awesome again! It was with the same students as last week and I spoke on honoring your parents. =)

This weekend we are off to Lake Atitlan. Can't wait! Will post pics soon...

Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi love,

    the bean part made me laugh!!You'll get through but we will pray. Just relax about the lesson plans...repeat from last week if need be - review is great for young kids! Living with any strangers let alone in another culture is exhausting...lot's of emotional output. You're straining to understand too because of the language difference. The weekend will provide some refreshment! Just lean into the experience and enjoy it...this time next week we'll be picking you up at Sea- Tac!

    Love and hugs,
    Mom for all of us
